RBN rewards its eligible Members for residential home sales or purchases. Customers must connect and partner with an RBN Participating Agent through the RBN platform to be eligible to earn rewards. Customers with existing agent agreements are not eligible to earn RBN Rewards. If you are not currently actively engaged with an agent, it is possible to use the Invite an Agent feature from your Dashboard to invite agents you may already be interviewing. We are happy to discuss the program with them and invite them to learn more about participating in your specific transaction.

Please note: Invitations sent do not constitute RBN connections or introductions. Agents must complete the onboarding process before participation can be confirmed. Consumers must use a Participating Agent to earn RBN Rewards. Consumers with existing agent agreements are not eligible to earn RBN Rewards.

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Earn Points when you buy or sell a home with an RBN Participating Agent

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